Finished Already - Science and General Studies: Middle Unit
Finished Already - Science and General Studies: Middle Unit

Finished Already - Science and General Studies: Middle Unit

This is an 11-page digital unit of work taken from the middle book in the Finished Already series and contains meaningful activities for early finishers, focused on science and general studies.

The high-interest topics covered in this unit are:
  • Environment Survey
  • Plant Survey 
  • Yourself
  • Observing
  • Patterns
  • If I Was the Teacher
  • Patterns
  • A Change Is as Good as a Holiday

The problem of children finishing classroom activities at different times is one that confronts teachers every day of the school year: it is a fact of teaching life. What to do with these children is a task that has been approached in many and varied ways.

This eBook aims to provide the teacher with activities that will help to solve this problem, as well as:
  • providing activities that are high in interest;
  • developing and consolidating skills;
  • encouraging the development of problem-solving strategies;
  • cater for a variety of curriculum areas; and
  • providing a basis for the development of classroom learning centres

**This eBook is not transferable, nor can it be on-sold or uploaded to an intranet site. For full copyright details, please see the Copyright Notice outlined in the eBook.**.

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