Reading for Me: Level 2
Reading for Me: Level 2
Reading for Me: Level 2
Reading for Me: Level 2
Reading for Me: Level 2
Reading for Me: Level 2
Reading for Me: Level 2
Reading for Me: Level 2

Reading for Me: Level 2

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  • First edition
  • Support children to become independent readers

Why choose Reading for Me?

  • It is written in line with the National Literacy Progressions, so teachers and parents can be assured that children’s reading skills are developed as they progress through the series.
  • A dyslexia-friendly font is used throughout the workbooks.
  • It is extremely quick and easy for teachers to implement in their classroom or to assign as homework.
  • Questions consolidate reading and comprehension and allow teachers to check that children actually read and comprehend the texts.
  • It is easy for children to use independently, allowing them to take control of their reading journey, or with a parent’s assistance.


  • Each year level has two workbooks containing 15 weeks of texts each (4 texts per week). Part A is a physical workbook (60 texts) and Part B is available online (additional 60 texts).
  • Children are encouraged to read one text each day at home (Monday to Thursday). This equates to 120 texts per year level.
  • A number of different text types are included to provide variety and interest.
  • Each text has an accompanying worksheet with six questions for children to complete so teachers and parents can monitor reading success.
  • Answers are provided (online) for teachers and parents to check progress, or for children to self-mark.

    The range of texts is great and there is enough variety to appeal to different readers. The use of texts that are relevant and relate to the world today is great as this makes the exercises accessible and relevant to pupils. The dyslexia-friendly font is also a great idea. This is a great resource for independent comprehension practice - the texts are accessible, varied and engaging and the questions test a range of comprehension skills. I would give the workbooks 4 stars out of 5, based on the fact it doesn't show how many marks each question is worth and this is something that we always teach as a comprehension strategy - look at the number of marks, so that you know how much to write/include in your answer.

    Ms Cross

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