STEM Projects: Primary 6 (Scotland/Northern Ireland)
STEM Projects: Primary 6 (Scotland/Northern Ireland)
STEM Projects: Primary 6 (Scotland/Northern Ireland)
STEM Projects: Primary 6 (Scotland/Northern Ireland)

STEM Projects: Primary 6 (Scotland/Northern Ireland)

Preview Book

The STEM Projects series provides opportunities for pupils to creatively apply skills and knowledge in science; craft, design and engineering; numeracy and mathematics; and digital technology, whilst completing short- or long-term projects. Each box (P1-P7) contains a set of cards on a range of topics linked to the science curriculum for excellence, but their variety also allows them to be successfully incorporated into a cross-curricular approach to topic teaching. Each topic contains key learning objectives and covers contemporary environmental themes such as recycling and horticulture. 

The STEM Projects series contains: 
  • two introductory cards explaining STEM education, including: time allocations for using the cards; tips for planning, differentiating, assessing and supporting teaching and learning; and classroom and resource management ideas; 
  • one card with icons, explaining each step of the designing and making process, in child-friendly language; 
  • one card explaining each science strand; how the projects can be linked to craft, design and engineering; numeracy and mathematics; and digital technology; and providing an overview of each project contained within the strand, including the task and specific design and technology strands of learning; 
  • six short-term projects and one long-term project covering living things, energy and forces, materials and earth and the environment; and 
  • six copies of each project to allow for small-group use.

Download the curriculum links here.

STEM Projects @ Kilburn Park School.

    These look really great and could work either to support class teaching of specific topics, for a STEM club or as part of a STEM challenge centre within a classroom.

    N. Munroe, Primary School Teacher, Scotland

    The layout of the task cards was easy to follow. The tasks were fun and the pupils enjoyed the experience of using them. The resources needed for the tasks were affordable and easy to find around school so there was no additional cost which makes a difference when starting something new. The feedback from our pupils has been very positive and we are looking into getting the full set for the school.

    M. McMahon, Primary School Teacher, Scotland

    Another excellent approach. The lesson plans are detailed and cover both skills and content aspects of the curriculum. We have quite set foundation subject methods, however it was easy to adapt some of the Prim-Ed resources into our planning and made assessing the children's learning easier and much clearer. I have shared this resource with some subject leads and look forward to it feeding into planning next year particularly. Furthermore, the use of concept cartoons throughout have given me a rich base of resources to draw on for assessing in Science.

    Alex Gilbert

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